Thursday 27 May 2010

Well this is it........... My first ever blog. Here I am with an empty page trying to think of things to write, that would interest other people, about me and mine.

Having avoided doing this for as long as possible I have come to the conclusion I have to keep up with the times. Who knows Twitter next?

For those of you who don't know me I am Karry from KarryDotCom,, purveyor of quilting fabric, buttons, bag handles and notions, amongst other things. I have been selling quilting fabric for around 4 years now. Having retired from my former life, running 4 petrol stations for a living for 25 years, I found myself sitting at home, getting bored.

After a few weeks I decided that I had to do something to keep me occupied and out of trouble. As a lover of all things sewing and knowing that there was a lack of good quality fabric shops I thought I would buy and sell dress making fabric, on e bay. From here everything started, however somewhere along the line the fabric became quilting fabric and the rest is history.

My life is far from dull, after years of pestering hubby, two cocker spaniels joined our life. First came Sweep, now 14 months old and full of fun, he runs like a greyhound, and is always up for a walk. Three weeks ago we invited Smudge to join us. Smudge is half brother to Sweep and is 11 weeks old. They share the same dad. We've had a few ups and downs in the past three weeks, they play well, albeit noisily most of the time, but Sweep is dealing with a few jealousy issues at the moment. We're working on it.

For those amongst you that sew, don't worry, the "boys" are not allowed near the fabric, so no doggy smells. They come with us to work, at our office, but are not allowed to go to the shop.

Needless to say from day to day I keep busy.

My intention is to update my postings on a regular basis, hopefully daily, and invite vistors to leave comments relating to quilting, sewing and dogs. I will also update the blog with what's going on at the shop, online and any exhibitions or shows that I will be at. Who knows, I may even produce some freebies in the form of patterns, tips etc. I invite all vistors to contribute should they wish to.

So let me start here and now to let you know that next week, on Tuesday 1st June 2010 at 7.30pm at Church House, Kent Gardens, Birchington, Kent, Thanet Quilters are hosting an evening of entertainment with Ferret, quilter and textile artist. If you aren't familiar with her work, she does the most amazing quilts, both in the traditional style, and more famously Art Quilts including some fabulous nudes with the most amazing quilting techniques. Some people regard her work as unacceptable, however I find it artistic, having been to art college years ago and having done life drawing as part of my course. I would put her quilts alongside some of the Great Masters, but that's my opinion. To find out more visit or .

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 4 - 6 June 2010, Oast Quilters' are hosting the Oast Showcase at Simon Langton Boys School, Nackington Road, Canterbury, Kent. This will be an exciting event with an exhibition of quilts, wearable art, cushions, bags and novelties. There is also a raffle, bag tombola, sales table, demonstrations and refreshments. For more information visit

Needless to say yours truly will be at both events with lots of goodies for sale, so why not come along and take a look. Entrance fee for the Ferret talk is usually around £2.00 and all comers are welcome, entrance to the Oast Quilters Showcase is £3.00 for adults, £2.oo concessions and children under 14 free. Both groups have a large membership, Thanet Quilters have around 100 members. With 300 members the Oast Showcase should prove to be exciting, with lots of fine examples on show, as it has been in previous years. Both groups are umbrella groups with many smaller, local groups as members.

I'm going to sign off now as there's work to be done, dogs to feed etc etc etc.............

1 comment:

  1. Hello Karry!

    Don't know if you remember me from back last October, but 'Welcome to Blogland'......Luv Ann J
